Your indifference hurts me

Ever since I can remember, I have always been interested in political, societal and environmental issues. My facebook wall is usually filled with articles from various organizations within these subjects. I read a lot and I comment a lot. I may not be well educated or even particularly smart but I still care about the people, plants, animals, oceans and the air that this planet consists of. You know why? Because it is our home. Anything that happens to or in it, will happen to or affect us. Most of all, I care because I have compassion for things other than myself. 
In my social circle of people I’ve found very few who doesn’t virtually roll their eyes when I link to posts about the environment, about women rights, about gay rights or about most things that isn’t the latest meme. 
I don’t blame them for not taking an interest, I too understand that focusing on all these things can be incredibly depressing. But here’s why you and everyone who’s old enough to understand what’s what should care;
Your indifference hurts me. Your indifference does not only hurt me, but other girls and women. It hurts men and women around the world. There was a great quote by Ella Wheeler Wilcox – “To sin by silence when we should protest, makes cowards out of men”
This is very true. When we sit in silence and let others control our world, it will only hurt us. Now, I won’t pack this post full of facts because quite frankly I can’t honestly say I have them all, and I don’t wanna be some Wikipedia copypaster. 
People often say “that’s the way it is” about problems with our world. They shrug their shoulders and pull a face towards the one trying to voice the injustice of it all. “Deal with it”. 
That’s the way it is, but not the way it has to be. “Deal with it” is not going to save those whose rights are being taken away. “Deal with it” is not going to give rape victims back their lives. “Deal with it” is not going to stop climate change. “Deal with it” isn’t going to change anything.
People think of the problems in the world and I think they feel exhausted. It’s too much, we can’t stop it, why bother?
I understand that feeling, very well. It’s not true however. We can change, stop and create!
Revolutions have happened all through history. Because enough people backed each other up and stood against the injustices of their time. The people of a world, city or area can be an unstoppable force when rallied together. 
This is why your indifference is dangerous. For every person remaining silent there is one less warrior on the battlefield. A warrior the battle desperately needs. Don’t let the people brave enough to fight vigilantly stand alone. We need each other!
“Why bother?” – I’ll tell you why you should bother, because it’s happening to anyone, anywhere. 
Will you bother about women rights when your wife is discriminated against in her workplace? Or when she is refused paid maternity leave for your child? 
Will you bother with the laws of rape when your girlfriend is the next victim and the perpetrator is released because a court says she “didn’t protest enough”?
Will you bother with gay rights when it’s your brother who is denied the right of legal safety with the love of his life?
Will you bother with changing the way society toughs up men when your son gets beaten up at school for not being into sports?
Will you bother with changing the way media objectifies women when it’s your daughter who starves herself because the world has told her she can’t be who she is and still be beautiful?

It’s easy to detach oneself from these things. But every woman is someone’s sister, girlfriend, daughter or mother. And every man is someone’s father, brother, boyfriend or son. One day something terrible will happen to someone close to you and then it’ll be too late. Just like it was too late for the people who have already suffered at the hands of these things. 
The battle of good and evil is endless. But if the good side gives up, evil will consume everything. It is important to keep your head up and never detach from things that matter, regardless of how hopeless it seems. 
Remember, you are a warrior.

The Mystery that is Life

I’ve recently found myself pondering over things I thought were of no importance only a few months ago. For some unknown reason, all of a sudden they seem of very high value to me, even though I’ve never seen them in that light before, nor did I think I ever would.
It’s strange how sometimes things have changed without you even realizing it until it hits you straight in the face. One minute everything is as it used to be, like it should be. And the next, everything is up in the air and you have no idea in what order it will come back down.  As of right now, the new light on these thoughts actually makes me chuckle a little bit, simply because it seems so far away from who I am, and what I’ve always thought. And yet there it is,  and it is rather amusing in a way.
Ahh, the mysteries of our lives, of our thoughts and dreams. You can find yourself lost for hours pondering on what, why, how and when. At the moment, I think a simple attitude of  “What will be, will be” would do me good.


Second Star to the Right

You know how some times you wish a falling star would give you the answers to the questions you have kept inside for so long? Or that it would bring a solution to that issue that’s been gnawing on your patience for longer than you would like?
I’m really at a time in life where a wish upon a star would come in handy. If they actually came true, which some say that they might. For a lucky few.

I remember why I used to love Peter Pan as a child, and still do in many ways. To be able to fly away, to a fantasy land and stay there without any must do’s and pressure about making something out of life.  To never grow up…
I think the whole idea about never growing up is too late in my case, and of course impossible. Some day we all have to face up to the world and try to do the best with what we have, some succeed more than others. But many of us, including me sometimes wish there was a way out of all that responsibility, an escape if you will. Perhaps we all feel like that, at some point in our lives. What do I know? I’m simply writing out what is on my mind in current time as a way of coping with what is frustrating me at this particular moment, but even so, I think we are all quite similar in more ways than we will ever truly see or know. And when you think of a whole world facing the same issues you do, your problems does not seem so grave anymore, because mankind have been here for a while and we have all faced problems, yet we are still here. So the odds say there is a way to find your place in this whirlpool of uncertainty.

Forever alone…?

Okay, so for a while I’ve been wondering how people really work. Mostly based on experiences with humanity’s weird behaviour and deceptions.
Why do we ever so often tell people things we do not really mean? I mean, if you can’t say anything that you’re willing to stand for, why open your mouth in the first place?

I am so sick of people saying 1 thing and in reality they mean another thing entirely. Like being told I’m a good friend, that I have a great personality… Okay then, if I’m so great then how come you never text me anymore? Or message on Facebook? Or even remotely answer anything I send your way…?
This is more complaints than philosophy but hey, girl’s gotta vent somewhere eh? 😉

Humanity needs a new round of balls, or backbone, or courage or whatever it is that people nowadays seem to lack. To be “a man of your word” does not seem to be as much of a trait nor is it respected and honored as much as it should be. Few people can call themselves sincere, honorable or trustworthy because everyone seem to have turned into a big fat pile of liars and cheaters.

Just another day in Paradise

To wake up in the morning and feel like you have no real purpose of the day is most certainly rather tiresome in the long run.
Wether you have a busy life full of deadlines and must-do’s or you’re without occupation, life can feel equally empty and dry. To find a purpose, something to aim for, a star to guide your way is a task many struggle with I think. I for one, most certainly do.
The “simple” question of what I want to work with has rendered me puzzled for years now. Others my age do not seem to struggle the same even though I am sure they do in one way or another.
What I have learned and what I have figured many adults were right about (to my great dismay) is that following a friend’s or a lover’s footsteps is a very bad idea. Even though a friendship or any relationship may seem unbreakable doesn’t mean it actually is. Things change and above all, people change.
My mother has told me more than once that if you do not go into something with all your heart and believe in it with your very soul it is bound to fail. I am inclined to agree in certain aspects and in others not.
To, for example, enter a relationship thinking it will have a fairytale ending is to me, very naive. I may be cynical or bitter due to previous experiences but even for someone who’s a bright optimist it wouldn’t hurt them having a small portion of self-respect and awareness. In my eyes, no relationship is unbreakable and no person 100% loyal. There will be circumstances where loyalty, love or friendship will fail and to ignore the fact of such circumstances’ existence is rather foolish.

In my own current relationship I am happy (though not 100% content due to a long distance between us) but I do not live in the dream that nothing could tear us apart. I believe there’s not much that could, but there most certainly are things. Infidelity would be one for example.
Then again, a relationship needs to be built on trust and if you are constantly thinking of the things that could break you apart you would never learn to trust your partner enough to actually build a strong relationship. So perhaps a good balance between the two are in order?

Shakespeare once saidLove all, Trust a few,  Do wrong to None and that is a very healthy way to look at things. To have love and acceptance for all of mankind is definetley the way to go, this world really needs less hostillity and more acceptance. To only trust the ones that truly deserve it will keep you safe from harms way (or hopefully anyway) and of course doing wrong to none must be rather obvious I should think.
To have most things in equal portions helps keeping the common sense in order, because balance is a key to everything. Because even if everyone wants happiness and no one wants pain, you can’t have rainbows without a little rain…

The First Day in the Rest of Your Life…

After thinking quite a while about how terrible I am at keeping a diary, I decided to give blogging a new chance. Lets see how this turns out eh?

Perhaps I will find it useful and helping to have a place to vent on when things are confusing, even if no one ever reads it, that’s fine. It’s for my own personal use anyways, but if someone were to read and find some kind of enjoyment in it, then by all means!

As of right now the clock is running late (or perhaps its so late, its turned to early?) and I will not write any long intriguing post at this moment, but perhaps tomorrow will bring me some thoughts to put down in ink (or well, virtual ink I suppose…)

Night night
– M